Casaco Mango; Calções Change; Mochila More is Better;
Mala (cintura) Parfois; Óculos Ray Ban Wayfarer;
Maquina Fotográfica Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic
Já estou em contagem decrescente para as férias e a pensar no que vou levar na mala.. =)
(Desculpem a falta de fotos, mas com tanta chuva tem sido impossível fotografar.)
I'm already on countdown to vacations and thinking about what I'm packing,,=)
(Sorry for the lack of photos, but with this some much rain it's been impossible to photograph.)
I'm already on countdown to vacations and thinking about what I'm packing,,=)
(Sorry for the lack of photos, but with this some much rain it's been impossible to photograph.)
Adoro os calcoes :)